Many months had passed but, our summer is near at its end…Am I still gonna see my favorite dog, Timmi? Every time I remember every single day with Timmi, it makes me smile…How about you, if you remember a very memorable experience with your favorite, kind, loyal, smart, & cute dog; what do you feel? If I could have wishes, I would have wished to bring Timmi back…As life goes on, a quote says:
“Nothing lasts forever, except eternal life & God…”
If Timmi dies early I don’t know what I’m gonna do. If Timmi dies, I’ll die too! Just joking. But I’m serious. If a gift that you really like (more than like, but LOVE), is gone, what would you feel? I would feel “emo” when that happens…Take care of your dogs, or else…
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Animalandia, My Thoughts, MyFamily
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TeacherJulie sent me a tag to write about pets. This tag is writing about seven random things about my pet. I would like to write about Timmi, the black mixed breed dog that we had in our homes last year for a few weeks. Timmi is now in back Bohol with my grandmother. The rules are:
For this particular meme, the following are the rules:
- Link to the person who tagged you; I was tagged by TeacherJulie
- Leave a comment on their blog so that their readers can visit yours;
- Post the rules on your blog;
- Share 7 random and/or weird facts about your pets on your blog;
- Tag 7 random people at the end of your post;
- Include links to their blogs;
- Let each person know that they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

The 7 random and/or weird facts about Timmi, a black mixed breed
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Animalandia, Memetags, my favorites, Photos
trixie /
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HHHeeeyyy!!! have you heard about an old game: PETZ 3? I like that game…WAIT…I don’t like it, I love it! Well, of course, my main character is TIMMI, Sparky, Nicolette and a new dog Spottie. Its a great a game, once you play it, you will be touched…Your pets making cute looks, eating, playing, and always happy! Try it then…buy on your nearest CD stores (I can’t find the main website) Sorry, gotta go…bye…:D
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Animalandia, my favorites
trixie /
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For this Christmas I want a gift that is:
1. Not expensive, full of Love
2. Spiritual gathering
3. And an anti-hated days…
I PROMISE to forget all violations & mistakes/sins that I did. I wish Timmi is here to celebrate with me on Christmas… I miss her love… Even if the best gift is 1 million php (I like it much) still, the best gift is LOVE FROM MY FAMILY. But a special gift for a FRIEND is something you must never know… (I’ll ask my mother to blog it…hehehe… SORRY…) Yeah, I’ll ask… PROMISE if she’ll let me… 😀 … Be patient! I’ll try tomorrow… Because no classes! Rewiring of wires only in EDSA… NO! I’m not gonna see my friends.. Back to the topic is… oh, sorry, time to go… BYE! 😀
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Animalandia, Money Matters, my favorites, My Thoughts, MyFamily
trixie /
O.K. Here’s my dogs’ pictures:

That’s Sparky. Now here’s Nicolette:

Now here’s Timmi:

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Animalandia, Photos
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Timmi November 4, 2007 at
6:42 am

This was the last day that Timmi and I were together. The next day, October 21, my Lola-Mommy brought her to Bohol. The house does not smell bad now and there are no more hair balls on the floor but I miss Timmi. At least, I don’t have to throw her excretes anymore. Yey!
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Animalandia, my favorites, Photos
trixie /
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Do you know that a “good friend of ours” named Colette died about a month ago? Ever since she died, I already know how it feels; and if you haven’t felt this, it really is sad…You know how I felt when Colette was gone… Alright then, this FRIEND is actually a… humans’ best friend…a dog…:)
Colette, who was like a sister to Timmi… She died about a month ago. They didn’t know that she was pregnant. But the doctor gave the wrong medicine. Nicolette (name of dog), didn’t eat for about a week. She had a fever then when the doctor gave her medicine, she died. Jeez… I miss her. So much.
I miss Timmi too since she was brought to Bohol because Colette died.
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Animalandia, MyFamily
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Hi again! Have you met my dog Timmi? Yeah, I know you have met her from all my posts… Now, here’s a picture of her… Isn’t she cute? Timmi is nice, but sometimes a pesky dog… I like it when she’s asleep. She’s so cute when she sleeps! She barks that outsiders can hear her. Alert and loyal to me, she has a boy friend named Sparky (another dog of mine, a pit bull dog.). Once you’ve hug her, she feels so soft I don’t want to let her go! WAAHH…
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T I M M I!!!!!!!!!
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Animalandia, MyFamily
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hello to all. My worst day is tomorrow…10/21/07…
Because my cute little Timmi is going to Bohol, a province in the Philippines…
she’ll stay there, like,… forever. And I’ll miss her (>_<)
I’ll only see her on summer days! NNNOOO!
But its OK… hope you will not experience the feeling of losing a great best friend (dog) ever…
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Animalandia, MyFamily
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I Luv Timmi! October 12, 2007 at
7:15 am
I LOVE MY TIMMI!!! She’s one loyal dog-barker to me…The only thing I hate is her to make a big chaos in our house. That’s the only irritating one! The best thing is she knows people’s emotions and commands.She don’t really know good tricks. But she’s house trained. I hate it whenever she’s making mess in the house. But whatever happens I still love her. If you were me, try to have a pet that’s making your house really messy. Let’s see if you get really irritated. Now, try to have a really hairy, black, noisy-barker dog. She eats less food so you can save big. Now, here is a question…
If mostly yes…
If mostly no…
Some yes, some no, some not really…
DO YOUR BEST!!!!!!!!!
See ya! ;-D
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Animalandia, MyFamily
trixie /
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